50 Miles for Carers in May

Fancy a fundraising challenge? Sign up for 50 Miles for Carers in May 2024!

Sign up to walk, run, jog or cycle 50 miles over the month, and get people to sponsor you to help raise money for unpaid Carers in East Sussex. 50 miles over the month averages at 1.6 miles each day, so it is definitely achievable.

You will receive a full starter pack, including all the information on the challenge, a mile tracker and a sponsor sheet. We have also arranged 3 guided walk across the county to help support you with your miles, including a special end event at our Head Office on 31st May.

There is a sign up fee of £5 to cover administration costs and a medal on completion.

Last year we raised over £800, can you help us beat that target this year?

If you are interested in taking part in this event, please email [email protected] or call 01424 722309 for more information.

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